RV News

Canada–U.S. land border is set to re-open for fully vaccinated travellers

Starting November 8, fully vaccinated snowbirds can resume travel to their favourite U.S. destinations

palm trees and RVs parked at a resort during a sunset
Arizona and other warmer states offer a sanctuary for those seeking to escape Canadian winters. — J. Boyer photo

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many - but it has been a particularly long haul for our snowbirds. Last year, Canadian RVers had to spend winter north of the border - and while they enjoyed exploring our country’s impressive all-season destinations, they still deeply missed their usual adventures in the sunny southern states. 

If you are one of the many travellers yearning to head south, we have some fantastic news. Starting November 8, the U.S.Canada land border will be re-opened to fully vaccinated individuals.

As reported in a YouTube video from CBC (see the video at the end of this article), double-vaxxed snowbirds Dianne and David Fine were particularly eager, even chartering a flight so they could skip the anticipated border wait times (they had their RV brought across separately, so it will be waiting for them in Arizona when they arrive). 

"Since we're vaccinated, we feel a lot safer than we used to," explained David.
"We just imagine it's going to be really crazy at the border," said Dianne.
For RVers planning to drive across on November 8th, a bit of patience will be required during the initial influx. Snowbirds are expected to flock to the border as soon as it can be crossed, so come prepared for a substantial wait time.
For those who spent the past year and a half dreaming of their favourite resorts, the wait will be more than worth it.
"Now that we have the vaccines, now that we have the land border opening up, they're determined to make the trip down south," said Evan Rachkovsky of the Canadian Snowbird Association in the CBC interview.
Another snowbird, Fred Welsh, is gearing up to brave the long line-up at the border - and he couldn't be happier about it. He's heading from Newfoundland to Florida as soon as possible.
"I am ecstatic," he remarked. "The sooner I get there, the better. I have a passion for sunny weather."
To learn more about this exciting development, check out this article published on Global News.
Also don't forget to check out the CBC Youtube video:


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