Special scrambled eggs
Cathy Lea sent us this dish from her travels in her Roadtrek class-B camper van.

Cathy Lea sent us this dish from her travels in her Roadtrek class-B camper van. She tells us that she loves to travel, cook and eat good food. She writes a blog, GoodRVfood, dedicated to the art of preparing meals in the relatively small space of a recreational vehicle. She is sending us a springtime recipe, but we think it makes for a great summertime breakfast or brunch as well.
Springtime Scrambled Eggs
This is a great springtime dish that is best when the chives are fresh. I have a planter full of chives in my back yard that just keeps coming back year after year. This is a great way to use them up and enjoy the fresh flavor every morning. Dried chives are available in the grocery store or atSavorySpiceShop.com, so I can have these eggs in my RV even when I do not have fresh chives. These eggs taste great without needing salt which makes them wonderful for people trying to watch the salt in their diet.
Cream Cheese
Fresh or dried chives, chopped
Butter for frying
Melt a small amount of butter in a pan over medium high heat. Chop the chives. If the chives are dried, add them to the pan with the raw eggs so the eggs rehydrate them while cooking. If the chives are fresh, hold them back until adding the cheese. Scramble the eggs normally until they are a little more than half done—starting to get firm but still wet on top. Add a few small chunks of cream cheese. This gives it a little time to melt but still stay in creamy bites. I use a fork to break off chunks of the cream cheese. Finish cooking the eggs.
The rule for eggs is if they are fully cooked in the pan, they will be over done on the plate. Always take the eggs off of the heat when they are still a little shiny and they will continue cooking on the plate. This is the same carry-over cooking technique used to make steaks turn out perfect on the plate. Using this rule it is easy to get eggs that are perfectly cooked firm, moist and never rubbery.
Serve with a little fresh ground black pepper on top.
Thanks Cathy Lea for this contribution. If you would like to see more suggestions for recipes adapted to small RV kitchens, check out goodrvfood.com