RV Snapshots

Why stray when you can stay in the Canadian Rockies?

Celebrating retirement with a camping trip

by Kimberly Shellborn
Wapiti Lake near Cranbrook, BC
Bruce Schiman camped at Wapiti Lake. — Kimberly Shellborn photo

How much of the year do you spend RVing?

Up until two weeks ago my wife was still working, so we went only on weekends and during her vacations. I have been retired for seven years now, so I am very excited that we will be able to start doing a lot more now that she will have more time for it.

Tell me about your RV.

We bought a compact Okanagan about 10 years ago.  It suits our needs as we do like to go to some of the less known areas and have to have a smaller rig to get on some of the back roads. It isn’t cumbersome and we can easily maneuver it on some not so fantastic roads.

Where are your favourite places to travel?

We live in an amazing area (Cranbrook) and we tend to take advantage of what we have on our doorstep. We usually go to the unofficial camping areas with no amenities or hookups. They are quieter and more peaceful and we really get back to nature and enjoy what our own backyard has to offer. This morning, for example, at Wapiti Lake I heard the loons calling at 5:30 a.m. What a great way to wake up! And in the evening I saw an eagle swoop in over the lake and make an osprey give up his fish dinner. At dusk there is an elk herd that comes to the lake edge, and we often see moose. You just can’t beat the nature in places like this. We are really looking forward to spending as much time as possible in this amazing area we live in and really just soak it in.

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