
Casa Grande RV Resort on Rodero Dr

Our 5th wheel in the beautiful sunset.
LocationCasa Grande RV Resort on Rodero Dr
PhotographerKathy Nemitz

Our 5th wheel in the beautiful sunset.

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Views galore along Highway 89A

"Just another roadside stop on Highway 89A. Loved the color and vistas from here."

I went back to a spot I came across while out running one morning last fall. As a hard-wall camper, this is the kind of spot we prefer. Last month it started to get a little nippy. My rugged little trailer is a Northwood Nash 17K.

Heading south

I went back to a spot I came across while out running one morning last fall. As a hard-wall camper, this is the kind of spot we prefer. Last month it started to get a little nippy. My rugged little trailer is a Northwood Nash 17K.
