Betty and Dwayne Brandly

Betty and Dwayne Brandly

Betty and Dwayne Brandly started RVing shortly after they got married in 1965. Dwayne built a homemade tent trailer and off they went. That lasted until the kids were crawling around with sticky poplar seed pods clinging to their diapers; they looked like small porcupines. Betty said, "go and get a real trailer with a bathroom." Over the last 45 years they have gone to Disneyland, numerous places in Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan, and many of the northern US states. They have travelled for both work and pleasure, and Dwayne’s love for fishing has taken them into some backwoods places a trailer should not really have gone. Many trips were made to Craven, Saskatchewan to take in the original Big Valley country music festival.  Now that they are both retired they are taking a leisurely trip for the next couple of months, just to see where the road takes them. These weekly updates will tell us where they have been.

All Articles by Betty and Dwayne Brandly