
Patagonia Public Library, a friendly place

Abbie Zeltzer is the librarian at the Patagonia Public Library. The staff at the library, formerly the Patagonia Hotel, love having visitors.

by Lisa Crane

The Patagonia Public Library began as the Patagonia Hotel, constructed by adventurer John H. Cady between 1901 and 1912. Today, it—and the town of Patagonia itself—offers a plethora of features for visitors and locals alike. Librarian Abbie Zelter said that Patagonia is a friendly town.

“People say hi on the street, and you can find out everything you want to know and more if you go to the post office,” said Zeltzer. “We are a walking and biking town, and there are many outdoor opportunities such as hiking, hunting and more.”

It's not all about the outdoor pursuits though. The library is a big part of the town and Zeltzer said they love it when visitors drop by.

“All that is missing is a pot of tea and the teacups,” she said.

The library hosts many events. Upcoming is the screening of Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us? on January 8, 2012. The guest speaker will be Dr. Marla Spivak, winner of the MacArthur Foundation Genius Award for her work with and dedication to the survival of the honey bee. More details of library events can be found on the website.

The library has a growing Southwest reference collection, as well as some 16,000 items—including books, movies, music, magazines and newspapers—available for check-out.

Zeltzer said there are several award-winning local authors featured at the library. Also on site is an ongoing Friends of the Library book sale and Birds of North America online; a poetry writing group meets every week.

A very special aspect of the library is the Legacy Garden. The plants in the garden symbolize the tenacious pioneers that brought these plants to the region. Patagonia has a rich history that visitors will find is well documented at the library.

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